Traditional comic and manga artists often utilize screentone paper — these semi- transparent sheets are available with a variety of dot screen patterns, sizes, and gradations.
Many unique, visually interesting halftone to digital screentone processes exist, but remain inaccessible, especially to the average artist with no image-processing experience. There is a need for a more convenient screentoning tool that is intuitive for artists of all skill levels to utilize and parametrically control.
Screentoner is an image processing Javascript application that can be run in- browser that allows the user to upload an image and apply a variety of effects. These effects include turning the image grayscale, applying a Floyd-Steinberg dither, applying a threshold with slider to adjust the threshold value, and ap- plying a Threshold Halftone effect withsliders to adjust grid size and threshold value.
Example outputs after using Screentone Effect with progressively larger grid sizes.